Thursday, July 11, 2002

problems, problems....had to reschedule picking up the 73 by a week, cause the house all of a sudden isn't gonna BE ready for another week....all this rushing about to move into the place and all of a sudden..."oh, instead of being ready to move THIS friday, can u wait another week?" !@#$. anyway, dude was understanding, all that's driving me nutz his having to wait before I can tear one car apart, and start putting the other together....although I know all I'll be doing is waiting, since I'll be having to buy tools and parts on the way. I'm in full swing for my next certification test too, just hope I can be ready so I can hurry up and get going on the mcse....last monday, coming home from work, noticed a dark patch under the the week has gone by, the patch has gotten larger. Seal has gone...!@##%$ dont know if it's the oil pan or tranny, but cause it seemed red, but the oil in the engine was pretty dirty in the first place (former owner just dumped more oil in with the old, I'm guessing) been too pissed to look and see for sure too. But it's been slowly spreading out, and it's pissing me off, which of course is making waiting to be able to tear it apart worse. Plus, I'm getting tired of ricers and rustangs, and even other f-body's and full size trucks buzzin by and messing with me in my daily driver....although I cant' blame them....a toyota minit truck with altezza's bumping techno with the sound of revving motors in it? the volume is coming down, and the altezza's are coming off dammit! at least until I can shove something decent under that hood....damn, I have my projects for the next 10 years or so, don't I?