Friday, January 02, 2004

Happy New year folks. Fever finally broke last nite, I think, and I have been antsy to get out and enjoy some of this beautiful weather we've been having the whole time I was sick. I was not able to get sloshed on new years, nor enjoy it in any traditional sense, but I DID double up on the nyquil and had a great nites sleep.

Local news, the head qb for kstate is being accused of rape and sexual assualt. This is happening in arizona mere days before they're supposed to play at the fiesta bowl. Oddly enough, the team has had no bad deeds on it's record, and is supposed to have "high standards" Interesting, huh? He hasn't been charged with anything, but everyone's dying to find out if he'll still be able to play.

Last nite, came across some intersting links. Mostly samurai and feudal japanese history stuff. I'm so very happy. Even though history isn't in my career plans anymore, I still love the stuff. Will post links later.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Haven't ranted in a while. X-mas was cool, I didn't have to kill anybody. Spent a coupla days with my kid brother, the youngest and most often ignored of the tribe. Now I'm sitting here sick from the flu that kid brother and sister were getting over. yeah. Saw a video at madmike's place today, about some stupid teeny bopper "import" folks. Mr2 driver was fooling around on a street, took off, turned, hopped the curb, BARELY missed lightpole and a yellow civic or something, then hit a VW or whatever it was. Stupidity at its best. Thank god I've never had much interest in the streetracing "lets sit around and pretend were grown up and cool" scene. Still broke, waiting for school to start back up so I can hurry and get these last 6 mos under my belt and finally get this frickin degree.

I THINK I was gonna put some thought provoking piece of personal philosophy here. I know with school out I've been doing a lot of thinking...been watching a lot of thought provoking .hack//sign. I have crammed in so much anime in the last coupla weeks, I'm almost sick of it...but not sick of manga, for some reason. In any case, I was trying to change the depressing tone my blog has once again taken...but now I have lost my train of thought. I believe that means its time for nyquil and some sleep. goodnite.