Check out the latest penny arcade. Yep, you gotta stay away from the yaoi anime. For those that don't know, it's the opposite of yuri. Yaoi anime means "boy love". yep. It will burn a man's soul, it will. Oddly enough, it mostly attracts fangirls, not too many gay guys that I have ever heard of.
I went and saw Frank Miller's Sin City the other day. Violent? Ya. It won't win any picture of the year awards, but it was pretty entertaining. Not real cerebral tho, but the violence did satisfy. I gotta say I dug it cause all the main characters, while not particularly "nice" or "good" did have a sense of right and wrong. And they fought for the "right" thing, even if it wasn't right for everybody. Mickey Rourke's character was pretty kick ass. All in all, I recommend seeing the movie, just wasn't as impressed by it as so many other people are.
I gotta get the hell outta wichita. I've been trying to maintain, but even after I have this master's degree, I don't really see any jobs except for teaching and (thus) churning out more computer nerds in an area still full of them. The tech jobs are only for those who suck enough proverbial (or literal) cock to get in. The few computer nerds I know that ARE employed in the industry are so stressed out from working 3 jobs and raising families that they are a hair away from snapping. Hell, IM a hair away from snapping, and I'm just (barely) taking care of myself.
Alrighty. Done bitchn.