Friday, May 09, 2003

Again, haven't updated in quite a while. But, good news. Have finally registered a domain name Didn't know they were so cheap now, or I woulda done it much sooner. Still deciding on layout of site, fixed broken graphics linkage today. No real improvement on car stuff. Have once again moved over to the 80, MUST drive a t-top Z. Can't take it any longer. So, plan is to order new front suspension stuff, radiator, sfcs, and engine stuff. cam, timing chain, etc. I am gonna put a damn tarp over the 73, and forget about it till I score a big block. Wasn't gonna eff with the z's engine any, but now that I've decided on my *new* course of action, might as well go thru it, and put a *real* cam in it. Hell, might as well pop intake to see if it might even be a roller engine. If it is, well....heh, heh, heh.
Money problems have once again kept me from fiddling much with either car. to top that off, I have found a cheap malibu for sale, now that the fox body stang I've been agonising over for the past 2 months is gone. Seems like the guy is the same person whose camaro (81 sport coupe) I was looking at with a friend a coupla months ago.
Speaking of friends, it seems that people in the automotive hobby in my area have none, with a very few exceptions. Everyone's either out to screw you, or make you do something for free, which amounts to the same thing. I need no more projects, but I can score a cheap 305/350 off of him too. If he still has the camaro, I'm in double car. Also, there's my step uncle. Man had come up to me talking all this "lets hang out" and "I've got my 82Z" finished chit. Then one day he decides he wants to act funny (he does that, I think he and my stepgrandfather are schizo) and start trying to talk shit (you don't know anything about cars, I know everything, blah blah blah) and cracking jokes behind my back and all that typical inlaw mess. Man's wife just died, and I know he has no other friends. If it wasn't so damn sad, I'd be MUCH more pissed than I am...and I was pissed.

Friends part 2. Had went to look at a 75lt for dave, the guy I bought the 73 from. I was pleasantly shocked and amazed to discover that the body was in near perfect shape (road dings, surface rust, but NO major rot or corrosion) Shabby but complete lt interior (and a PERFECT dash) guy that was selling had gone from 1g to 400, cost of car and engine he had bought. I was dead broke at the time (what's new) so was looking for dave, since he wanted to complete his "collection" of 2nd gens in every body style. So, I go home that night composing my email to dave in my head. Make the mistake of telling Phil, h.s. buddy of my younger brother, and my autozone parts contact about it. Next thing I know, phil has had g/f buy the car. The car came with a 2bbl 350 out of an old impala, complete with worn timing chain. the guy was including a 650dp, cd player, timing chain, and leaving amp (from previous owner) in car. title was a bit foggy, the man had never put it in his name. Phil, being the wise sage that he his, put car in gf's name, was supposed to go with the man to get the title changed over, and to pickup carb, timing chain, and other parts. It has been 3 weeks since, and phil has yet to pick up parts. Oh, but it gets better. car wouldn't start after he bought it, so he towed it home. car then started, so he had g/f drive it. timing chain finishes it's long road to breakage with g/f behind wheel. car towed home again. instead of getting aforementioned parts, or even paying the previous owner to do it, who said he would for original sale price of 500, phil says that he'll have ME do it. Apparently for free. Then the man rushes over my house, says he'll pay the $150 I'm asking for a fiberglass cowl hood that I had, has me truck it over to his house, then wants me to show him how to fix timing chain. Keep in mind this is late evening, like 20 minutes before dark. the man has no tools, no manual, not even an inkling of how to replace hood or timing chain. And he has worked at autozone for the past 3 years. Okay, so he finally understands timing chain is not getting replaced tonite. "Do you still want the hood or what phil?" "uh yeah, bring it on in" We get inside, and the man turns around and looks me dead in the face. "Can you take $100 now, and I'll pay you the rest next week?" I showed remarkable restraint. I didn't hit him or anything. *sigh* I did take the money tho. wrong move. Next day: I'm in the middle of my night class, and phone rings. On break, I check the voice mail, and hear a panic stricken phil who just COULD NOT WAIT to put hood on. "Dude, me and Nick tried to put the hood on today...and it won't fit! I don't know if we're retards or what!" Now I know this is not my problem, and against my better judgement, after class I went. Low and behold, the idiots had tried to put the hood on the stock hood springs, and freaked out when they couldn't get it to close. Had bought nary a hood latch, fiberglass hood springs, nothing. And no, had made no attempt to get engine fixed. Of course, everythings my fault. What makes it so bad, is that this is normal for most of the people I know. My stepgrandfather looked me dead in the eye when I was setting up a small network for his and my grandma's pc's. dead in the eye, told me I didn't know what I was doing, and broke it, yanking ethernet cables outta sockets, right in front of me. then hemmed and hawed and made excuses about being busy when he realized he had messed it all up. brand new switching hub, down the drain. Came back a week later, and caught him putting a phone cord in the ethernet port of gramma's laptop I gave her, and taking a pair of scissors to the pcmcia card cause the ethernet dongle wouldn't fit in the MODEM port. I got to deal with people like this every day. It's driving me nuts.

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