Saturday, June 14, 2003

Whoohoo! New blogger debuts...the backend where yours truly does his work looks a little different, but not too much. Looks like just spit and polish to me, but what do I know?
Update: Working on the car, should have back end put back together by the end of this weekend. Summit's gofast stuff went back (Damn shipping hurt!) and I will soon be the bitch of a friend of mine. Can't whine too much tho, he will be selling me a bunch of stuff I eventually will need. Sleep is starting to become a stranger again, and I might be working 3rd shift (again) soon. That means that I will be conversing with and selling stuff to wierdos at odd hours again...At least I won't be bored. School is a clusterfuck, I won't get into that TODAY I think I finally have most of the basic tools that I will need for the foreseeable future tho. And harbor freight no doubt thanks me.
Praying I won't be too broke by the time b-day I plan to get shitfaced as I never have before. I have never totally cut loose...always been paranoid. No time like the present...
Must get car running, that is first priority, next comes worrying about classes, then worrying about bills. We will see what happens after that. I am also not worrying about front end stuff for now, at least not till car is running again. It sucks tho, as I wanted suspension taken care of first...but nothing will get done if I cry myself a fucking river, will it?
Since I'm spending all my money on this car shit anyhow, I might as well get totally into it. It's actually cooler in the garage (and basement) than in the house anyhow. So if I take my time, I won't die of heat exhaustion or anything.
I had some profound and witty shit to put on here when I logged in, but I can't remember now, after having started talking about all this other stuff...On a personal note, I'm reading Michavelli's The Prince off and on. Neat stuff, and not quite as cutthroat as people would have you believe. Now maybe I can find my book of 5 rings and tao te ching and actually finish the fuckers. Amazing what you will do (LEARN) when you refuse to let COX fuck you in the ass, and no longer have any internet at home...You accomplish more when stuff isn't right at your fingertips, I guess.
Comments work again for some mysterious reason, so talk to me....

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