Ah, what has been going on with the car. Found a place to take the big block in as a core, although I think the price is a little high, the warranty is good. This might mean the rs will get done before the Z. The Z is dirty. My god is it dirty. And I don't mean in a good way. 23 years of road grime and neglect will do that I suppose. I am just tired of fiddling with the car, and looking like I jumped in the labrea tarpits at the end of the day.
I had planned on slapping the Z back together since I am currently vehicle less, but all that gunk has GOT to go. The 73 is a much better slap together and go vehicle, even with it in pieces. At least the undercarraige is spotless, and all of the factory rubber is in better condition than my truck, which came off the line in '95. But that would mean switching projects again...ugh.
I think I can actually get them both running over the winter, which would be a good thing as soon my house will probably be torn down to make room for the mall or whatever they're building beside it right now. Too bad, that was a NICE two car garage. Good in a way, because the house itself, while nice does NOT heat OR cool very well. (no central air, very drafty in winter) Couldn't beat the rent tho, and I wont be able to get another place with a garage like that for that price anytime soon.
Pulled pwr steering gear from z, cause of REALLY, REALLY bad leak. one of the gear bolts outright disintegrated when I was pulling it. Had fun getting another box, and then ANOTHER box. one 3rd gen 92 rs box, one supposedly iroc box, altho I think the yard I got that one from pulled a switcheroo on me.
CANNOT find new bolts to put the gear back on to save my life. Will have to go to yard again, or pull bolts from RS which I don't wanna do. Doesn't matter anyway, outta cash, and fall classes have started.
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