Remember kids...never post when you're tired. You come across as a trite, self-pitying kinda
person...the main reason why I stopped blogging in the first place.
Hormones jumpin' like a disco....
Ppl ask me, whats it like being a college grad? Stressful. I have talked about jealousy
before, but my own family, which was ripe with the emotion before, now properly ooze buckets
of jealousy everytime they so much as speak to me. It is funny that ALOT of people seem to be back
in school now...the wsu paper says its cause BTK was caught. Ya, right. I think it's cause people
see that if a lazy slacker like me can do it, so can they :)
Scott got "busy" when I graduated, of course. One of these days that man is either gonna be
a consistently shady or good person. One of these days I'm either gonna kick his ass, or shake
his hand in respect, then kick his ass.
Anne is getting married!! From her email, it doesn't look like anyone else in our old emporia click
got the news. I'm happy for her though. Maybe now Scott can stop telling everyone I was trying to
get in her pants. That man was always telling people I was trying to get in their girlfriends pants...
I see that there is now gonna be a movie version of "Miami Vice". I can hear my mom and my aunt
gushing now. They used to LOVE that show. It always bored my brother and I to tears. I DO remember
seeing a don johnson traffic saftey video in drivers ed. Yes, miami vice had been over for 10+ years
when I saw the video. Didn't matter, as DJ thought he was a sexy bitch back then. Still does. It is
funny how people who dressed 80's miami style back then were the height of masculinity, but now are
"fag magnets". Much like people who never gave up on the disco era, or the 70's platforms/pimp era.
There's a bunch of commotion in the paper and about town about the new "marriage law" legislation. It
seems that there is a movement to ban gay(and I assume lesbian) marriages, and to uphold the "traditional"
marriage structure. Now, whichever way you feel, or lean, or think, you're gonna have someone yelling
in your face. My question is: What is the price of gasoline? "What the hell?", you ask? EXACTLY. What
is the effin point? A ruler of a dead government that we base our current system of laws on once made his
horse (and some say lover) a senator. Lets not talk about the rampant homosexuality or idolotry that we are
supposed to be so against as a "christian" nation, that doesn't like to talk about religion.
Am I surprised, shocked, and angry about this legislation? Nope. Why? Cause I think it's a bunch of political
bullshit smoke and mirrors designed to keep us focused on it, while our legislators screw us over with more taxes
or something. There have been a number of unpopluar and hard fighting money issues lately. I am, however,
surprised and shocked that a college buddy of mine can be raised by a lesbian couple, have a girlfriend that looks
to be 12 years old (she's 26), not finish school, yet still make loads of money. His parents taught him SOMETHING
Movies: Sin City opened today. I'm not a HUGE Frank Miller fan, but I've read "a few" of his graphic novels. I dig
bruce willis' part as the city's last cop battling his conscience. Didn't know cops had consciouses. *heh* The review
in the paper says that this movie makes Kill Bill look like a nickelodeon show. That's some violence that I just GOTTA
see. Guess Who: Bernie Mac as Ashton Kutcher's inlaw? This I gotta see. Mr. 3000 was great. Need to remember Pieces of April as well.
Sin City and Be Cool are both at the drive in. Want to see Hotel Rwanda, Don Cheadle is one of the most underrated actors
EVER. George Carlin is in town...
Things to remember: George Carlin, Big Boy's Toys show (I will be in class till the last hour) I SHOULD NOT play hooky.
Dave might have a running project bike for me, and some parts. anime con tulsa coming up, get with brian on dungeon idea,
start on resources for business, start on business plan. websites. Talk to jason, see if I can get software from shiva
remember to eat and sleep. Microsoft and Cisco certs. Peace Corps....