Saturday, November 08, 2003

New plogger actually seems kinda fun to use now. I am maintaining in classes, barely (shouldn't be here) I shoulda been an engineer. Since starting the computer hobby, and now the automotive hobby, I am never happier than sitting down, drinking a cold beverage, and trying to figure something out. Maybe one day I'll even get paid for it.

Family situation is getting no better. If I can keep from spending all my cash on car parts, I would REALLY like to leave this place. Two car garage is still nice. Almost left it for a house that had a single & central air. I don't need no stinkin' a/c. I don't think the place is gonna get knocked down for the freeway like landlords claim either.

Whole lotta socio-/psychological/metaphysical chit I was gonna talk about today, but can't remember now. Maybe I'll post later.