Friday, April 01, 2005

April. 420 is on the way, heh. ;) I think I'm gonna have to kick my own ass. Or take my foot out my mouth. Figured out partially why everyone has been acting the way they have, and as usual, it's my fault. I may be throwing out what can be construed as confusing signs, and I keep forgetting to take into account that many of the people that I hang with now have an alternative lifestyle. And its not always as mildly annoying as ordering a tbone double rare in front of a vegan, either ;) I have occasionally been doing stuff like making gay jokes (texas? good god, only steers and queers come from texas!) and stuff like that. Sure, that was only a movie reference, but that probably explains why many of my friends have been so jittery.

Security seminar was a joke. It was basically a Cisco rep that was pushing the new combo routers that have been in industry news lately. Not even any free food. I bailed before I was there 10 minutes.

You, my friend are too Hank Hill. Saw the episode where Kahn lost his job. Funny shit. Which reminds me, link to "Which king of the hill character are you?" or make one.

Need to get steve to revive the tour of booty series....gather people for the mass exodus for the new office space movie he is doing.

Need to also decide if I'm gonna get serious about a business idea running around in my head...or if I even have the time. But dammit, if jerrod can do it, so can I. If I do it, some folks that aren't talking to each other are gonna have to learn to be civil...

Lastly, need to stop being so softhearted. Helping folks is all well and good, but it keeps getting me in trouble. Or, I get pissed when my help is refused or abused, or thought of as a way to get in some chicks pants. Need to leave unsingle chicks totally alone. I'm tired of getting checked by their guys cause of insecurities. To explain further: I will look out for my friends whatever their status. Married, single, gay, straight, whatever. If I hang out with ya, you have been blessed, cause if I can help, I will, without question. If I was gonna bang friend's chick, I would have the common decency to at least give him a heads up. I would not go behind his back. That's been really pissin me off lately, cause I've been checked without due cause. Cannont fuck up classes. I guess these are my april fools resolutions....

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